How Salesforce DevOps Can Enable More Effective  Disaster Recovery (DR) Planning

Introduction In today’s uber competitive world, surging downtime costs and more stringent service-level requirements have shortened Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs). Effective Disaster Recovery (DR) planning is extremely vital to the business, but is quite difficult to get it right. The DR plan for an application is generally devised when the app is put into production,...

4 Ways Salesforce DevOps Can Help Your Organization Build a Productive Team

Introduction Collaboration is the crux of Salesforce DevOps. For Salesforce DevOps to be successful, teams need to understand what’s being built, its architecture, and how the team and its developers will interact with it. Open and transparent communication is at the core of Salesforce DevOps. When there is collaboration between operations and development teams, they...

How Salesforce DevOps Can ‘Transform’ Your Business

Introduction With increase in competition every day, surviving in an extremely cut-throat competitive world is getting as difficult as tight-rope walking for IT companies. To enjoy the benefits of an early entrant in any market, it is critical to develop products faster and shrink the release cycles. That’s exactly where Salesforce DevOps – with its...

5 Best Practices for Success of Salesforce DevOps

Introduction In today’s ultra-dynamic digital world, the advantages of embracing DevOps are clear: optimizing the speed and agility of IT service delivery, while minimizing performance issues and costs. DevOps is a blend of process and philosophies that comprises four primary components: culture, collaboration, tools, and practices. In return, it yields a good automated system and...

All You Need to Know About ‘Salesforce Safety Cloud’

Introduction Data1 reveals that it is critical for businesses to bring people together safely to build and maintain a culture, employee retention and satisfaction, and business growth. In line with this data, Salesforce recently announced a product called ‘Safety Cloud,’ which will help businesses and communities better manage their testing, health and entry protocols to...